The Blender – Stepping Up the Weight

A strong, and seemingly eager, PAX of 14 F3ers gathered in the gloom, with kettle bells in hand, for a Boot Camp beatdown Blender style at the state-of-the-art big green gym of GCC.  Not too much mubble chatter, perhaps it was the warm-up. 


Warm Up:

Burpee x 25


Main Event:


Mosey to Pull-Up Forest with Kettle bell


.40 mile run around perimeter of softball field

Dead-hang pull-up x 10

Kettle bell upright row x 20

Kettle bell squat-to-shoulder-press x 10

Merican x 20

Kettle bell full curl x 20

Kettle bell skull crush x 20

Kettle bell bent-over-row (right arm) x 20

Kettle bell bent-over-row (left arm) x 20

Kettle bell clean and press (right arm) x 20

Kettle bell clean and press (left arm) x 20

Dead-hang chin-up x 10


.40 mile run around perimeter of softball field

Dead-hang pull-up x 10

Kettle bell upright row x 20

Kettle bell squat-to-shoulder-press x 10

Merican x 20

Kettle bell full curl x 20

Kettle bell skull crush x 20

Kettle bell bent-over-row (right arm) x 20

Kettle bell bent-over-row (left arm) x 20

Kettle bell clean and press (right arm) x 20

Kettle bell clean and press (left arm) x 20

Dead-hang chin-up x 10


Mosey to Church Patio with Kettle bell


Walk halfway to kettle bell shed with kettle bell at upright row position or above head

Kettle bell squat-to-shoulder-press x 10

Kettle bell bent-over-row (right arm) x 20

Kettle bell bent-over-row (left arm) x 20

Kettle bell clean and press (right arm) x 20

Kettle bell clean and press (left arm) x 20


Walk the remainder of distance to kettle bell shed with kettle bell at upright row position or above head


Beginning Temperature: 34F

Weather conditions: Dry

Total Running with or without KB Distance: most likely 1.00 mile

Total Planking Time: 0-1.5 minutes

Total time: 45.00.00



1.  Bam Bam seemed eager to get moving, while YHC and the rest of the gang seemed to be perfectly willing to continue sucking wind for a few more moments.  Perhaps he was just trying to keep warm.

2.  I know that the workout usually goes fast when Qing, but this one flew – over before I knew it.  Very sorry we didn’t have time for a Mary – will start with Mary next time.  In any case, glad to see at least half the PAX step up to the 44-pounder for at least one exercise during the round robin second set.  Noticed that Bunyan was carrying a 35-pounder.  There may have been another 35-pounder out there.  Way to step it up.  It was, however, nice to take at least one week off from the 55-pounder in Friday’s absence.

3.  Great to see Carpet Bagger back at it.  Beard and all.

4.  It was nice to see Deuce had a new buddy to play with; loved the flashing light on the little guy.

5.  Some consistent no shows: Suitcase, Springfield, Dallas, Zuul, Denim, Green Eggs.  

6.  The sole BS call emerged from YHC in the first set of KB Burpees.  Gotta do what you hate to do as well as the things you only hate half as much.

7.  As always, it was an honor to lead the PAX.  Word on the street is that Bogey is cooking up something special for the next Blender.