The Bonnie Blair Burpee

Event Date

Jan 13, 2020

FNG-1 = Van Damme


YHC flys into LFC kind of hoping not to see any other cars because I wasn't feeling running in the rain. Alas, Cherrybomb was there and he felt the same way. We mustered up the strength to run 2 miles in the rain at a nice conversation pace.




Mosey towards pull up bars. High knees and butt kickers on the way

SSH, IST, CP, Windmill

The Thang

  • Grab a block
    • Curls
    • Shoulder Press
    • Skull Crusher
    • Bent Over Row
    • Pull Ups
      • All 10 IC except pull ups OYO
    • Repeato but this time x15 IC and no pull ups
  • Mosey with block over to divider
    • Partner up
      • 1 Partner Squats w/ block while other partner does 1 burpee, then switch
      • 20 total of each for each partner
  • The rain began picking up so even though we were already soaked YHC decided it was a good time to get some cover
  • Under the cover
    • Dips x 10 IC
    • Step ups x 10 each leg
    • Incline merican x 10 IC
    • Butt touch squat x 10 OYO
    • Decline Merican x 10 IC
    • Killer B's
      • Bonnie Blair Burpee
        • One Bonnie Blair (lunge jump) each leg followed by 1 Burpee
          • x 10 OYO
    • Repeato
  • Mary
    • LBC
    • Mason Twist
    • Pretzel Crunch
    • Jane Fonda
    • Low Flutter
    • Pigeon
  • Recover Recover




  • Although we weren't thrilled, thanks for running the standard Cherry Bomb, it was worth it
  • Great work by all this morning, and WELCOME BACK Van Damme! He said he had taken about a year off, were glad you're back
  • Hoping that all of your cars stayed relatively dry
  • Thanks Cherry Bomb for the opportunity to Q


Until next time….. Mr. H