The Brick (less) tree was decorated this moring by 10 men who braved the cold weather and icey roads to get in the Christmas/Holiday spirit !

In an effort to protect the PAX from any type of injury due to icey conditions the Q had the wisdom (lol) to bring out a modified version of the famous Brickmas Tree……..appropriately called (for today only) the "Brick-Less tree". Minus bricks and a few apparatus props we got after it as best as we could.


SSH x 20 c

IST x 10 ic

Windmill x 10 ic

Cotton Picker x 10 ic

The Thang

The intent was to walk over to the designated workout area…… only be called out for not doing a slow mosey. With safety in mind (kind of) we switched to a lunge………of which I was heckled again (tough group).

5 Burpees

5 Burpees / 10 Merkins

5 Burpees / 10 Merkins / 15 CDD

5 Burpees / 10 Merkins / 15 CDD / 20 Squats

5 Burpees / 10 Merkins / 15 CDD / 20 Squats / 25 WW 2 sit ups

5 Burpees / 10 Merkins / 15 CDD / 20 Squats / 25 WW 2 sit ups / 1 min plank

5 Burpees / 10 Merkins / 15 CDD / 20 Squats / 25 WW 2 sit ups / 1 min plank / 30 Mason Twists

5 Burpees / 10 Merkins / 15 CDD / 20 Squats / 25 WW 2 sit ups / 1 min plank / 30 Mason Twists / 35 SSH

5 Burpees / 10 Merkins / 15 CDD / 20 Squats / 25 WW 2 sit ups / 1 min plank / 30 Mason Twists / 35 SSH / 40 LBC’s


Crunchy Frog x 10 ic


A sincere thank you goes out to all 10 guys who showed up this morning. This was an easy Fart Sack day but in true F3 fashion you all braved the elements to get up and workout.      #F3Strong 

Outlaw– Thank you for the opportunity to lead today. You always lead us by example with your contributions to PAINisula and F3…..and we are all better men for it!

Callahan was able to show up today after a week of traveling to defend the (unoffical) Lexicon term "Callahan'd". Always a good day when Cally shows up (but I think the term is going to stick)!

It was great to Macbeth and River Boat out there today. Two guys battling through injuries…….and they still come out.

This was the first workout I've been to when Ninja Turtle was not able to blow our doors off running! Nice work today

The clown car for today was Thug and Moses. Smart move by Moses with having Thug drive!!

Omega and Yosemite- two of PAINisula regulars who braved the weather conditions both yesterday and today to workout…….Awesome

Moby Dick who is suffering from not receiving texts messages (textin-itis) showed up for coffee only. He did not get the memo that it was "game on" today! But, he did take charge by getting into Starbucks early ordering coffee for the guys along with a large container of HT bacon…..much appreciated Moby! Funny thing is Axel missed a free breakfast.  

Gnarly Goat showed up for a little F2 after a night at the ole firehouse with Duncan Donuts coffee in hand. Apprecaite the support Goat!  

F3 is an amazing group of men and I'm extremely fortunate to be a part it. You guys have no idea on how much you inspire me each and every day. For that……….I say "Thank you".

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