The BRPLE Down

  • FNG-1 = Sonic
  • FNG-2 = Lala
  • FNG-3 = Mario Kart

Welcome to the BRPLE Down. Yes, it's a Triple Down knockoff…but it's not a cheap knock off. How can a free knockoff of something free be a cheap knockoff? And it's pronounced "Burple". Like BRP + Triple = BRPLE. Let me expound on this some more…or not.

0540 Hotbox, Don Ho, Anchovy, and YHC launch for a brisk 2.25mi. About half of it was spent getting an earful from Don Ho about how we never launch BRP from the basketball courts. How does he know? I've never seen him there. We made it back just in time at 0601.

0601 Many others are wiating for our triumphant return including Cherrybomb, Slingshot, Mr. Holland, and Jobe. OK then Enron showed up. We're late already, let's launch………errrrrr……who's this honking at us. It's Swing State and Sonic coming in hot. Ok circle back to pick them up. Penalty minutes at the end for starting so late.

  • Run fast to the obstacle course behing Hough. 
  • Jump over the wall -> monkey bars -> parallel bars -> 10X pull ups
  • Repeato
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: Doing an obstacle course takes a bit more planning than I did. Timing is an issue.
  • Run to the base Bailey Glen Blvd. Run up the hill, but stop every light post for 10X Bonnie Blairs (that's each leg). Holy balls that sucks.
  • 10X WWIIs to rest.
  • Run to the football field. Bear crawl 100yd, but every 10 yds do 1 Carolina Dry Dock, adding one for each 10 yds. (1 at 10yd line, 2 at 20yd line, 3 at 30yd line…you get the idea).
  • Run the long way back to launch. Total ~3.75mi, or 6mi if you did the Standard.

0650ish recover recover

0700 Hoops

Basketball was fast and furious today. There were some meaty guys out there throwing their weight around, but also the blazing fast, less meaty dudes. Too much fun. Show to know.


  • Happy to report, NO INJURIES. Well nothing serious at least. Sorry Big Mean and Snoopy.
  • YHC and Hotbox did all 3 events, so we come away with the BRPLE Down…but even then I think Hotbox has the edge because I think he played more hoops than me.
  • Props to MQ Gray Ghost who came out to show his support despite a knee injury. He got some good cycling in.
  • Cherry Bomb is 185 lbs. Mr Holland is 205 lbs. Let that sink in.
  • If you wear a tank top and Jobe is wearing a shirt, you'll hear about it.
  • Slingshot is sneaky good at just about everything.
  • Boatgusters out in full force. Jokes on everyone, cause y'all are now Boatgusters.
  • There were 5 guys from my neighborhood there (Middlethorpe in Wynfield). YHC, Hotbox, Enron, and newly named Mario Kart and Lala. I say next time we do Middlethorpe vs the world.
  • Everything hurts and I'm dying.
  • If anyone has any competitive endeavor planned for an F3 event, I'm either an instant HC or it takes everything in my power to say no. Too much fun playing big boy recess with y'all.
  • Speaking of which….Top Golf anyone?