The Burners in the Lot Go Forward and Back

Event Date

May 25, 2021

As YHC pulled into the parking lot, I was a little chagrined when I didn’t see cars for Jedi and Crocs who I had expected to be out running beforehand. Things began to look up when The Force rolled by, but then he kept on rolling — right out of the parking lot. Oh well, maybe it would be a solo workout today with the MQ on vacation. But when the 0530 bell chimed, there were 7 men ready to roll so that’s what we did.First up was a few trips up and down the parking lot with the standard fare of quadrophelia, karaoke, high knees and butt kickers. We landed at the pull-up bars where we kicked things off with SSH until Crocs threw in the towel. Then it was on to squats, merkins, carrot pullers and windmills before grabbing blocks.The Force said he got a bad vibe when he saw me putting out cones pre-workout. I thought the first round wasn’t too bad (it was the return trip that would do me in!). The instructions were clear: carry your block to the 1st cone where you do 20 8-count burners. Then run to the start and back to the block which you carry to the next cone for 15 burners. Repeato with the run then carry, reducing the reps by 5 at each cone until you reach the last cone where you plank for the six.Next we put our blocks out of the way and moseyed to the school. First up was People’s Chair with Wonderbras (push out and up), then Praying Mantis. Then it was back in the chair with Touch Dem Heels followed by one armed Presses against the wall (what are you calling those Toxic?). After leaning on both arms, we did some Mohammed Ali’s, WWIIs and Mountain Climbers before returning to the parking lot.A Bear Crawl and a Lunge Walk got us back to the blocks. For round 2, we did 5 reps each of low/high/full curls per cone with the same run/carry in between. When we were back to the pull-up bars, we returned the blocks and did some Suzanne Sommers. We moseyed back to the cars where there was just enough time for a 1-minute elbow plank (or Pigeon if your name began with C and ended with rocs).Recover, recover and thanks to the men that chose to join me this morning to encourage and hold me accountable. Now get out there and be a rainbow in someone’s cloud!NOTABLE- Titan thought we would enjoy seeing him half naked today. He guessed wrong.- Hasselhoff wandered away from Fallout when he didn’t see a PB. That may have been partly AT&T’s fault, but it was nice to reintroduce him to the AO.- Bob Ross was there to witness The Force abandoning us this morning. We agreed that he probably didn’t think he could handle the level of effort and opted for Blender instead.- Haven’t seen Omar in a while, but he knocked out the workout as if he never left.- It was also my first time seeing Pavarotti in awhile despite him living across the street. Sounds like he’s experiencing homesickness by returning to MECA for his Saturday workouts. Guess we’ll have to add free breakfast to sweeten the pot.- Nacho Libre remained in his vehicle a little while rather than socialize with us beforehand, and then crushed the workout. All work and (just a little) play.- Crocs skipped out on Jedi’s standard which worked well since Jedi slept in.