The Butterfly Effect

#HIMs do #HIM things.  And on this Tuesday the #HIMiest did #FKT.   #TheStandard was nonstandard today as there were about 15 pax that did various things: 3miles, 2miles, Core……and YHC a true tri-athlete did .6 mile + 2min Core + 3 min trash talking

0529:30 – thoroughly coached up, YHC starts into instruction.  Bad instructions, bad idea, and this pax was already mumblchattering.

0530:37 – off we go to do tha thang.

Utilizing the lower and upper parking lots of Birkdale Landing, run the perimeter (about 0.6 miles in total).  At the pinch point in the middle do broad-jump burpess (roughly 10 each direction).  Repeato that cycle AMRAP for 43 minutes until Recover Recover.

All pax freaking gave it >100%.  All pax crushed it.  All pax are likely a little sluggish about now reading this.

Here are some results:

  • 5 laps — 3 miles and 100 burpees.  This was #the6 held down by YHC
  • 6 laps — 3.6 miles and 120 burpees.  A good portion of the pax finished here
  • 7 laps — 4.2 miles and 140 burpees.  The top pax finished here
  • 8 laps — 4.8 miles and 160 burpees.   Frodo???


  • Christina Latini Memorial 8K is coming up in September.  Registrations has picked up to nearly 100 !   Keep it up pax.  Spread the word and sign up.  Even if you can't run for various reasons, sign up or donate.  Trust me, Operation Sweettooth will be a better steward of your money than you will.  Give it to them and watch our community get better.
  • Dad's camp end of August
  • Christmas party in December

The Moleskin effect:

  • YHC stoked the fire a bit with a #pb challenge to the Goatbusters and Boatgusters.  They showed strong.  And they didn't dissapoint.  It is fun to see y'all #eliteHIMs compete and fellowship.  It makes Isotope better.
  • Tclaps to Frodo.  Not sure which of the two groups he represents, if either one, but HE FREAKING CRUSHED IT.  Overheard during Core standard.  Stray: CherryBomb I actually got my money on you winning this thing today.  CherryBomb:  Frodo is here.  Stray:  But he has already run 3 miles for the standard.  CherryBomb:  it doesn't matter.   And that my good men is what makes you legendary. Sound off Frodo…..did you get 7 laps (with time to spare) or 8 laps?
  • Heely.  Dude.  Halfway through the first lap and YHC is the six.  And Heely is next to me. Showed up a minute or so late and missed the instructions so he's just doing his thing, easing in to the workout.  I give him the instructions……… fast forward another 10 minutes and there is Heely passing everyone and up at the front.  It was something to see. 
  • #PSA to all future FKT Qs.  Don Ho runs a tight ship.  Expect a lot of prework to make sure you are on point and ready when your time comes.  FKT is open to all, but it was designed for greatness, and Nantan will make sure greatness is achieved.  I do thank you for the opportunity to lead the fine men of FKT this morning. Aye *fistbump*
  • So when I looked on MapMyRun the aerial view kinda resembled a butterfly (two wings and a body).  My Strava recording however looks a bit more like a 1930's gangster tommy gun.  So if someone is inclinded to run this back in the future perhaps a re-name is appropriate.
  • But to keep with the week of stray, I also wanted a bit of theme to each workout.  The Butterfly Effect applies Chaos Theory and explains how a small act on one variable can influence other variables and subsequent situations to have a compounding effect.  Popularized by a meteorologist's assertion that a butterfly flapping its wings 2 weeks ago set in motion the breeze that became today's tornado.
    • So how does this apply?  You don't have to solve world peace to make an impact.  A word of encouragement, a small token of appreciation, a small act of kindness can lead to great things.  In the same way a derogatory statement, a snide remark, a negative attitude can lead to great things — so check yourself before you wreck well a lot more than just yourself.  What impact do you want to make/  What small thing can you do today to that can be compounded to become a great wave of goodness/
  • FKT complete.  The week of stray rolls on to Ludicrous Speed for some trackwork tomorrow.  Come join me, or if not, please enjoy on of Isotope's other fine AOs and Qs
  • #straythecourse