The butterfly in Pings Car. Oh and I havent been here for a while

Well Well with Frontier  out in the midwest due to Debby ( the hurricane not the mistress) 

I took it upon myself to start up the Q at the Cauldron

Started it out with a nice Warma Ramma,  

12 ssh 

12 ist 

12 slow windmills 

and a run up to the top of the parking deck and taking the stairs down. 

YHC then began a laddder starting at 10-8-6-4-2 going down composed of 

Kettlebell swings 

Kettlebell Thrustes

Skull Crushers

Bent over Rows 

Finished the round by running up and down the stairs 


Part 2 (because everyone loves a sequel ) 

Started it off with a last man standing (dont be last or give me 15 burpees) 

decided to mix it up and add a kettlebell exercise in the middle of it 

2 rounds down and back with a KB Clean 

2 round down and back with KB swing 

2 rounds down and back with Mericans 

2 rounds down and back with a KB press 

the pax seemed tired enough so we moved on to a 6 move Mary led by YHC 

First led it off with a Turkish get up. 

Low flutters 

Leg climbers

Touch them heels 

Scissor Squad 

American Hammer 


