The Cauldron Will Make You Melt

Event Date

Jun 22, 2018

Morning still. I am normally terrible about gettting BB out quickly. Browns Suck at Football. Kosar Sucks at BB.. Bam, I said it. 

Starting off, Thanks to the force for calling out a standard. I enjoyed the early morning jog with him. I normally don't get up early enough but glad I did. 

The Thang:

So before I BS my way through this (DISCLAIMER), This was a shoot from the hip Q. I'm not a planner. My wife, she is a planner. Me, I don't pack for a vacation trip till the last min or sec. or until I get the death stare. LOL

  • Jogged a lap around the parking lot, but kickers, high knees, ….
  • SSH
  • CP
  • yoga stretching (no clue on names)
  • IST

Then we grabbed our bells and got to work. 

  • 30 full sit ups with bells keeping feet down (yes – I started with mary)
  • 5 burpees
  • some curls,
  • 8 count squat/curl/press/skull crusher
  • run to end of parking lot and back
  • 5 burpees

Ok at this point I am lost, we did some:

  • more curls,
  • some merkins
  • lawn mower
  • KB Swing
  • suicides – not a group fav, The Count warned me this was not a running workout
  • Burpees
  • ran a lap
  • more of the same
  • lung walk – 10 squat – broad jump back
  • burpees

Mary – We went around the circle

  • some box cutters
  • low flutter
  • Jlo – Guess who?
  • pretzel crunch
  • freddie mercury
  • touch them heels
  • and I am missing one

We came together for a prayer to start the day, one of my favorite parts of my day.

If you can think of it we did it, lots of jumping around. It was fun and in all seriousness, I melted. Note to self, 3 KB workouts in a 5 day span is tiring. 

After – The Count, Little Finger and I head over to Lake Forrest for Coffee and to watch The Hangover. It was a great way to start the morning. 


For Fathers day I got: (Blackbeard Approved) – Totally Awesome for melt sessions like the last few weeks.

CleanRide trade;: Bacteria-Resistant, 100% Waterproof Car Seat Cover: Triathlon Beach Yoga Running Crossfit Sweat Workout (Odor-Resistant and Super-Compact) 
by CleanRide 


On another note, I have switched up to a Keto Diet to drop a few pounds. The first 2 days where hard as my body was adjusting (The Blender Crushed Me) but now starting to normalize with it. It is not for everyone but below is some interesting info if anyone is interested.