Last minute switcheroo did not deter the 22 pax that showed up for their Tuesday work, including 1 FNG.  Here’s a recap:

To Dutchman’s for Warm-Up:

  • SSH x 20
  • IST x 15
  • Mtn Climbers x 15
  • Downward Dog – R/L

Indian Run to the breezeway:

  • People’s Chair w/Airpress x 10 (2), R/L leg lift
  • 10x – Step Ups, Incline Merkins, Dips
  • 5x – Jump Ups, Decline Merkins, Dips

Mosey to BS Hill:

  • 1 LBC…Backward Run Up…7 Squats (Repeato Down to 1)

Move to BS Parking Lot:

  • Partner Up – Suicides while other partner does AMRAP:
    • Merkins
    • Squats
    • LBCs

Move to Electric Rock City:

  • Curls x 10
  • Skullcrushers x 10
  • Overhead Press x 10
  • Curls x 5
  • Skullcrushers x 5
  • Overhead Press x 5


Mosey to Fire Station:

  • Circle Merk…3 down to 1
  • Pledge


  • Crunchy Frog x 10
  • Low Dolly x 10
  • Big Baby Crunch x 15
  • Breakdancer x 10
  • Plank to Pigeon L/R
  • The Burpee



  1. Welcome FNG Ryan V – hope to see you back out very soon
  2. Scrappy w/last minute change-up – appreciate the nudge and heal up soon
  3. 5 strong for the Standard
  4. Dog and guy in the van did not appreciate our warm-up location
  5. Organized chaos that was the Indian Run – we are really out of practice on that one
  6. My communication skills clearly need work
  7. Covered lots of ground this morning – apparently nobody uses the BS parking lot
  8. Tried to give big rock pax relief, but that only led to more complaints
  9. Circle Merk is a much better name than Merkin Time Bomb, just sayin’
  10. Need to make better choices in MARY circle – yes I am talking to you Omega and Jazzhands
  11. Great to see some familiar faces, and a few I had not seen in a while – Yosemite, Dingo
  12. Always a pleasure to lead such a fine group of men

Pax Tibi,
