The Circuit Seems to be Growing

19 men ventured out in the almost-chilly and absolutely gorgeous weather for another edition of Sonar’s Circuit

FNG-1 is Pickaxe (2.0), FNG-2 is Denny, FNG-3 is Josh



20 IC    Side Straddle Hops 

10 IC    Cotton Pickers

20 IC    Mountain Climbers 

20 IC    Side Straddle Hops – just so Clark wouldn't miss them

Stretch left-over-right, swap


Circuit consists of an apporiximately 0.4 mile ‘lap’ around the parking lot and practice field with several pain stations along the way.

  • Head toward to tennis courts along the bottom of the lot
  • When you turn right to go up the hill, lunge walk to the picnic tables
  • Stop at the tables and do 10 dips
  • Run up the remainder of the hill and half way across the top
  • When you get halfway across, karaoke until the next median, switch between right and left halfway
  • Run down the chute to the sidewalk at the gravel road
  • Drop for 10 LBCs
  • Run to the down-under bars for, what else? Down-unders (10) (option for 5 inverted merkins as well)
  • Run to the pull-up bars for, you guessed it, pull-ups (5)
  • Run back toward the launch pad and bear-crawl (or crawl bear) up the steps
  • 10 squats at the top of the stairs
  • Lather, rinse, repeat – as necessary


10 IC    Dr W 


Mater gets credit for 2 EH’s at this name-o-rama and is giving C# a run for his money in the competition for master EH’er.

Denny is a CFO for a healthcare IT company.  Born in Tennessee but in this area since 2006.  He seems to like a good challenge (think Spartan races and marathons).  Married with 2 kids.  He loves to spend his free time in the mountains and, apparently, he doesn’t like to be around people much.  Welcome ‘Kaczynski’

Josh almost didn’t get credit for the workout today due to tardiness but, since there were some SVU people in attendance already, we cut him some slack.  Josh helps lead/teach the middle school Sunday school at Real Life Church, coaches soccer, played soccer in high school (ELHS), attends CPCC and works with his dad in construction (thanks, team, for filling in the blanks).  He also let us know his year of his birth: 1999.  Welcome ‘Prince’


(Repeato verses from Clark's last Wednesday)

Galatians 5:13-14 For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love. For the whole law can be summed up in this one command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."

I encourage everyone to take a few minutes (ok, maybe 45) to watch the video linked below.  It is from our church service on Sunday July 1.  Personally, I think this message should be bottled up and spread across the land.  It is a wonderful discussion of what it means to be a Christian in the U.S. today.


  • The weather really was absolutely perfect this morning!
  • As usual, the Q got lapped by the horses but at least he could use his 2.0, Pickaxe, as an excuse.
  • Missed a couple of regulars but welcomed a couple back.
  • The Dude has been consistently out there quietly crushing it.  T-claps, brother.
  • Awesome turnout is becoming a thing.  Let’s keep it up! #GiveItAway
  • Mater continues his success as the new FNG whisperer. #GiveItAway2
  • Continued prayers for those dealing with some tough issues right now.
  • As usual, this workout was scalable.  It has to be if Sonar’s gonna Q it.  If you didn’t get your work in – you weren't trying hard enough.  #YouAgainstYou
  • As always, it is an honor to be allowed to lead and a privilege just to be a part of this thing we call F3.