The Cold, The Rain, The Wind…and Sand Bags

18 strong showed up in the cold and rainy gloom this am.

After a short warm up at the green we jogged out to DUMC. Then the fun started. Picked up sand bags and jogged out to the hill by Carburritos…yes…carrying the sandbags.

Then we ran up and down the hill with the sandbags

-Three rounds of burpees at the bottom of the hill and WW2 sit-ups at the top

soaking wet with some low flutter and then skull crushers 

-Three more rounds of hill with sandbag, squat press and Carolina DryDock

man makers

-three more rounds curl, SS hop

– bear crawl the hill

sand bag run back to DUMC. Yeah…that was fun

back to the green

Several rounds of dips, alternating step ups, incline mercens, decline mercens, 

LBC's, Crunchy Frogs, Low Flutters


The wind and rain muted much of the mumble chatter this am. What little there was, stopped,with the sand bag run to Carburritos

Uh oh! Das Boot pulled a hammy running the hill with a sand bag…Hope you are ok Das Boot.

Though cold and soaked to the bone every one made it back in one piece. 

3Way finished us out with some Mary that made the last three minutes feel like three hours.