The Commune

Event Date

Apr 22, 2020


The Commune



  • Not a professional. Not a tour guide. But I DO live in the F3 Commune.


Launch from LFC parking lot.  Down to Gilead, over to the Torance (The Commune) entrance. Warmorama there.


Up to Calypso’s. He likes to cycle

  • Freddie Mercuries

Next door to Burner’s. He likes to run and burn couches.

  • No weights for Burners so instead, 8 count Body Builder Burners.  In Cadence.

Down the street to BEP’s. He EH’ed me. Likes to do the shimmy-shimmy.

  • The Shimmy-shimmy.  Led by BEP.  That was as weird as it sounds.  But it’s been a while, so that was fun.

Down to Land Shark’s. He likes to injure his shoulders.

  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • 1 arm Merkins (or audible with both arms).  That didn’t work.
  • Merkins

Down to Baller’s house. I assume he’s a baller. But I also caught him doing burpees alone once.

  • The Jump Shot
  • 10 Burpees OYO

Next is “Mike’s” house. He’s anti-F3.

  • The Monkey Humper.  With our heels on the curb, facing away from Mike’s house.
    • There was mumble chatter from the 2.1 at the start, then compliments to the burn immediately after.  This one always gets the new guys.

Down to the bottom of the hill to Purell’s house. Still getting to know Purell.

  • Circle up. Plank. Good morning Burpee.
  • F3 name, #years doing F3, who EHed you.

Up to The Force’s house (Where Zare and M.O.D. also happen to live).

  • The Force: The Hip Dip
  • Zare:  The Broad Jump x2, back peddle to start.  Repeat x5.
  • M.O.D.:  After deep thought and contemplation, The Low Flutter.

To the corner. This is PPP (Pimp’s Pride Point).  Named by BEP and The Force during Huntersville Half training.  When you see a lady in the dark standing under this street light “checking the mail”, you get the true meaning of the name of this special place.

  • Pickle Pounder
  • J-Lo

Back toward the AO launching point, but stop at the first house at the front.  Puma Homes (Omega) used to own this home, and I hear Soprano was a part owner for a while as well.  WWII situps x25.


Time for 5 minutes of Mary, called by the Pax in the opposite order I’ve listed below…

  • The Force = Jackknife LBC x7 each side.
  • Purell (sounding like he might spill Merlot) = The LBC
  • BEP = Box Cutters
  • M.O.D. = The Butt Up
  • Zare = The Crunchy Frog
  • Frogger = The Chicken Wing


The Moleskine:

  1. This was long overdue – a tour of Torance and a unique look into the Pax of The Commune. 
  2. Maybe more relevant if 5 of us in the Pax didn’t live there, but I think the 2.0s, new arrival, Purell and Frogger all learned something.
  3. Purell has been a great addition to F3, and is already calling exercises.  When Q School resumes I’m sure he’ll sign up!
  4. Great to have my mentor and neighbor (b/c I follow him from ‘hood to ‘hood) BEP with us this morning.
  5. Frogger probably only woke half the neighbors this morning.  Well done.  #OneVolume
  6. Love seeing my 2.0s push themselves, push each other and push me at F3 workouts.  Hoping they’ll Q one together soon…


Hang in there, F3 Nation.  Lot of brothers still posting safely, many great leaders posting virtual PBs daily to follow, thus many brothers taking advantage of those as well.  #StrongerTogether could not be more true.