The Coolest Place in Town

Wanted to get the pax over to the Veteran’s Memorial Park this AM after being inspired by Lawn Dart’s 80th anniversary tribute to D-Day at Samson yesterday.  But I also love to get some pectacular pec work in when I Q Cauldron, so a combination was formed.

PB was sent and as a group text (1 of too many I’m on) began chiming on my  phone with running and rucking options the pax were discussing, I attempted to send a meme of what I thought was a heart with a handle on it – like a hear kettle bell.  Turns out it was a butt and after posting it the works, “Kettle Booty” began flashing.  Ok, now I can see that was never a heart with a handle on it…

So anyway…

I told the fellas I had the Q and next thing you know Burgoo had HC’ed and Calypso had begun negotiating his presence in exchange for a #standard at 5am.  I agreed to 2 miles at “0505ish” and it was on.

Burgoo, Calypso and YHC for the standard.

The Thang:

Gather, disclaimer, head over to the DPK entrance and circle up to stare at the metallic vagine art. Warm-o-rama was short.

Then on to the pectacular part.  Partner up as usual for KB presses and flies.  Partner 1 25 KB presses while partner 2 did step ups or box jumps AMRAP.  Flapjack, then repeato.  

Next Partner 1 do flies while partner 2 does Christian McCalf-raises.  Flapjack and repeato. 4 solid sets for the pecs is….  yes – pectacular.

Then carry the bells over to Veteran’s Park.  History lesson by the ice cube art statue and the sign explaining the history.  Then out front to talk about the branches of the military (Lawn Dart knows but Ping knows A LOT). Then on to the workout.

The steps to Ice House Stage have 6 layers (for the 6 branches of the military represented on the other side, or just luck?). 

Step 1:  Walking KB curls one side to the other.  At the end, set your KB down and run a lap around the grassy area of the park and back to your bell.

Step 2:  Same thing but with Skull Crushers and then the lap again.

Then steps 3, 4, 5 and 6 were again alternating Curls and Skull Crushers.  Pax who finished first would do the top half of KB burners (so the curl, the press and the crusher and down) until all pax returned.

Circle up right there on stage for Mary.

NOT recover-recover but we’d count off and do name-o-rama then announcements as we walked back around to the front of the park to the revolving globe. COT over the globe, then carry your bells back to launch.  Recover-recover.

The Moleskine:

The flies were burning trying to do 25 reps after the 2 sets of presses – likely also due to Lawn Dart’s 80 chest presses with the cinder blocks yesterday followed by 80 merkins.  I got 25 with my first set of flies but only 15 on the second set.

It was a humid sweat-fest this morning – beginning with the slow, short #standard but glad I got talked into that.

Numerous pax followed Happy Gilmore’s lead of substituting burpees for the lap at the park.  Way to push and not select an easy audible.  Burpees be fo real.

Great to have Enron, Calypo, Airstream, Hot Wax and other guys who aren’t regulars at Cauldron – especially because we were missing so many regulars.
