The core 4

11 men of Denver, most listened to the PB, grab their balls and posted to ELHS for some core work.

15 Each Leg Glute Bridge
10 Each Leg Fire Hydrants
30 second plank and then 10 IC Basketball 'Mericans

The Thang
Mosey over to the rocks, grab a rock/block, partner up
15 OYO Rock dead lifts
Partner 1 does weighted plank (Partner 2 places rock/block on Partner 1's back)
2's do weighted LBC's with their rock, group does 15 IC…FLAPJACK
15 IC Bent Row
10 IC Curl
10 IC skull crushers
10 IC squat thrusters with calf raise at the end
Run to Wall and back
REPEATO, return the rocks

Mosey to the down under bar.
20 OYO Australian Pull-ups, palms out (overhand grip)
20 OYO palms in (underhand grip)
20 OYO palms facing each other (neutral grip)

Green Sally Up 'Mericans style

15  IC LBC
15 IC Low Flutter
10 IC Box cutter
5 IC Dr. W
10 IC each side Hip Dip
30 sec. American Hammer

Luke 6:48

"He is like A man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when a flood arose, the stream broke against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built."

Like all things in life, the ability to withstand hard things requires a good strong foundation, a strong core.  We try to build that here with all 3 F's.  Everything you have, if it's strong, has a strong foundation/core.  A strong marriage requires a strong foundation.  Without the foundation, the slightest hardship will overcome it.  If you have a strong foundation with God you will be able to overcome anything thrown your way.


  • Since some failed to read a PB, or rather their M's kept their balls instead of letting them have them back for an F3 workout, we had to share balls.  Therefore, we rotated around a couple of times to ensure everyone got to experience planking and 'Mericans with balls.  This exercise required a #Disclaimer, but is a good one for balance and core.
  • Kringle, 2 Mustang workouts in a row…Welcome back #kotter
  • WHERE ARE OUR ORIGINAL MUSTANG GUYS? You know who you are, but you will be called out on social media soon if you fail to post more than 1x week.
  • T-claps today for all who showed up to do work. 
  • Hopefully your core will thank me.  I know your M's will thank me later for the single leg glute bridge/single leg pickle pounders that I apparently "pulled from moves 23 and 24 from Kamasutra", right Cyclone.