The Cornucopia

Event Date

May 18, 2019


Had a little fun competition this morning. In honor of my son making it halfway through Boot Camp for the Air Force we mixed in a little cadence running.Warm up10 Dippy Birds each leg15 Tony Hawks6 IC Merkin-jacks18 SSHCadence run through the woods – pax were WEAK in their callback so we had to stop for 5 burpee penalty….everyone got louder after that happened.”Here we go F3All the way F3Here we go F3Every day F3″And”Some say freedom it’s for freeI just have to disagreeI say freedom’s always wonDown the barrel of a gun”Back to the parking lot…Divide into 2 teams for a relay style competition. There are 4 exercises in the Cornucopia and 2 for the bonus round. Each member of each team must complete the exercise before the team can move on to another exercise. First team to complete the 4 gets to choose which of the bonus exercises they want to do. (In the second round we did both bonus exercises).4 main exercises90# sandbag over the shoulder for 6 reps (or scaled options)15 Block Thrusters15 80# Anvil deadlifts20 MerkinsBonus exercises10 20# ball slams (5 in round 2)5 burpeesFinished with another trail run, 5 burpees and 5 toes to bar.ReflectionIn Matthew 20 we have the parable of the laborers in the vineyard. The master hires laborers throughout the day coming back over and over. At the close of the day he pays all the same page and those hired first grumble. This parable reminds me that life is not a competition. God is good to ALL his children but it may not appear equal. We should rejoice when others are successful and remember that we have been given so much. Our goal is to be honorable before God, having proven ourselves His.Fun to lead the group…Special notes to Strudel for showing everyone how to throw the sandbag, Skipper for bringing his big guns, Theuss for grinding, and Cheetahs golden pipes!