The Count

FNG-1 is Cable; Pink Slip Rucked the Standard

The honorable HIM's of Race City gathered 'round our nations standard at 0700 on a dark gloomy Saturday for a beatdown of Sesame Street proportions. After the Pledge of Allegiance was recited aloud we commenced the pain.


We mosey around the lot with High Knees, Butt Kickers, Left and Right Karaoke and regular jogging to loosen the legs. After circling up the pax performed the following exercises; all IC:

SSH x 20, IST x 10, Cotton Pickers x 10, Mountain Climbers x 15

Pax then moseyed down hill for the main event.

The Thang

YHC decided to implement a well known but newly renamed cycle of pain now known as The Count…Ah, Ah, Ah (Formerly A.K.A. Dora 123). The cycle consited of partering up. Partner #1 performs pain wile Partner #2 moves. Upon return of Partner #2 they switch until The Count reaches the total team goal for that particular exercise. Each pair then moves on to the next exercise goal.

Exercise pairs were:

Partner 1 – 100 'Mericans ; Partner 2 – Run to end or Stumpy Creek Park Drive and back


Partner 1 – 200 LBC's ; Partner 2 – Bear Crawl around island in lot


Partner 1 – 300 Squats ; Partner 2 – Run to end or Stumpy Creek Park Drive and back


Partner 1 – 400 Low Flutters ; Partner 2 – Crab Walk around islands

At this point, YHC expected the clock to read Mary Time. However, the Pax, focusing on quantity and not quality, had 20 minutes left so we reversed The Count back down. Another 300 Squats, 200 LBC's and 100 'Mericans which brought us to….


25 – Mason Twists; 10 Feet to the Sky (or whatever that was called); 10 WWII; 10 Mack Target (sp?)

Recover, Recover


Thank you to Hummer for giving me the keys to this most prestigeous of AO's in the F3RCUSA realm. I only hope to carry the torch as the fine Master Q's ahead of me have done for 5+ ears.

As always it was an honor to lead this group of men who insire YHC to get up and get moving.

Prayers for Tick Tock's whole family as their daughter continues her journeyto get better.

YHC is open to suggestions for Coffeteria this year (NOT Amo Cafe!), though I must say Panera had more staff and full coffee caraffe's this day.