The crazy doctors cares about your fitness!

YHC stole the keys to the Mad Scientist lab and cooked up several potions to help the PAX reach their fitness potential.  However, like any good scientist, I had to test the new fitness potions on some unsuspecting subjects…3 PAX met for the ruck standard and 2 for the run standard.  All were thoroughly warmed up before entering the lab.  Here is how the experiments went down:


Jog around DPK, circle up on the corner for all to see

SSH x 25IC

IST x 15IC

Cotton Pickers x 10IC

Seal Claps x 30IC

Mosey to the Deck



Mosey to bottom level, partner up – size did not matter, but speed might

Partner 1 – run up stairs to top of parking deck, then run down ramps to bottom

Partner 2 – squats until partner returns, then flapjack

Repeato – with Carolina Drydocks until partner returns

Repeato – with LBC's until partner returns

As a group Mosey up the ramp to level 3

Partner 1 – run down the stairs to the bottom level, then run up the ramp to level 3

Partner 2 – alternating lunges until partner returns, then flapjack

Repeato – with burpees until partner returns

Repeato – with LBC's until partner returns

As a group, mosey up the ramp to top level of the parking deck

Partner 1 – run down the stairs to bottom level, then run up the ramp to the top level

Partner 2 – merkins until partner returns, then flapjack

Repeato – with WWII sit-ups until partner returns

As a group, mosey to level 1 entrance for Mary


The fitness potion did not leave enough room for a lot of Mary, so WWII situps where chosen to round out the experiment!


  • We had a remote news crew on site secretly filming a new F3 reality show…seemed like it brought back memories for Estes
  • Blackbeard is much fast than I expected when I went to look for him, he was already in the mary group – respect
  • I really care about my fitness, but more importantly YHC cares about the PAX's fitness and hopes people left invigorated to start the day.
  • It was decided that Tweetsie will play me in the upcoming made for TV movie
  • AND, thanks Tweetsie for the opportunity to lead – it was fun and hope to do it again soon
