The Davidson Mini-Loop

Additional Pax included RickyBobby, Puddin' Heister & Forrest.  

19 Strong showed up in this morning's gloom for a tour of Davidson's Mini-Loop, covering just under 1 mile total heading from the Green on Main St. to Griffith to Jackson, back to Main St. and back to the Green.  Stops along the way at the Davidon Visual Arts Building, the parking lot across from The Depot, the Summitt Parking lot and DUMC provided opportunities for pain along the mini-route.

Warm-Up on the Green:
After a relaxed standard disclaimer intro that ended with "blah, blah, blah", there was a need to jump start the workout, so first exercise was 7 burpies OYO, followed by SSH, IST, Mountain Climber, Merkins & Peter Parker.

Mosey down Main Street to the Davidson Visual Arts Building & find some wall.

Decline Mercans x15IC
One-Leg Squat – R x10IC
One-Leg Squat – L x10IC
Dips x10IC
Seated Tuck (on wall) x10IC


Mosey around on Griffith to Jackson & circle up in the parking lot across from the Depot train station for some Arms-Legs-Core work:

Wide Grip Mercans x10IC
Tricep Concentration Mercan – R x10IC
Tricep Concentration Mercan – L x10IC
Plank Jacks x10IC

Side Lunges 10xIC
Mary Katherines x10IC
Squat x10IC
Alternating Lunges x10IC
Monkey Humpers x10IC

Freddy Mercury 10xIC
Mason Twist x10IC 
WWII Sit-Ups x10IC
Low Flutter x20IC
Heels to Heaven x10IC

Mosey further down Jackson St. to parking lot behind Summitt for an Arms-Legs-Core REPEATO:

Wide Grip Mercans x10IC
Tricep Concentration Mercan – R x10IC
Tricep Concentration Mercan – L x10IC
Plank Jacks x10IC

Side Lunges 10xIC
Mary Katherines x10IC
Squat x10IC
Alternating Lunges x10IC
Monkey Humpers x10IC

Freddy Mercury 10xIC
Mason Twist x10IC 
WWII Sit-Ups x10IC
Low Flutter x20IC
Heels to Heaven x10IC

Mosey to the end of Jackson St and over to DUMC, grab 2 bricks & plank it up in a circle until the 6 arrives.

Kick-Outs/Tricep Extension x15IC
Skull Crusher x15IC
Kick Your Bricks/Toy Coldier x10IC
Arm Raise Mercans x10IC
Lying Skull Crushers x15IC
Mosey to DUMC Church wall for Wall Sit Curls x25IC.

Put 'em up and head back to the Green for Mary:

J-Low x10IC


Everyone did a great job the whole time despite an apparently confounding seated tuck on the wall (at the Davidson Visual Arts Bldg.) and a new variation of the mercan that provided tricep concentration.  The opportunty to Q the Davidson PAX is always inspiring to me considering the men ranging from their 30's to their 50's (no 60 year old signthings in today's gloom) show up consistently and toady, crushed a non-stop arms-legs-core workout!  Well done guys and thank you!