The day Cherry Bomb became soft

Event Date

May 25, 2021


Ok, I just said that to get you here. We all know Cherry Bomb will never become soft. But now that you're here..


By some form of miracle, the #FKT Wheel of Misfortune landed on Davidson East, the #RisingSun.

(Auto, I hope you Q this workout soon, so you can see firsthand that there are no shenanigans going on)

5 Pax for the 2 mi standard

As the Pax piled out of their cars, there was no sign of Cherry Bomb. Sigh. But there was Mr Holland, so the day was not a loss.

The last Tuesday of every month at FKT is a hill workout. This time the wheel landed on ALL the Burpees, so there I had very little choice. We moseyed to the top of the hill at Mames for a warm up, and then, as Don Ho put it – got Maimed on Mames.

The Thang

Run down the hill. 10 burpees. Run back up the hill. 10 burpees. OYO for 5 rounds of 15 minutes. 60 burpees total.

The Q miscalculated, no one made it past 3 rounds in 15 minutes. 

Next was similar but partner up – Partner A runs down the hill and back, while Partner B does 20 burpees. If you finish the 20 burpees before your partner gets back, do WW1's or hold plank until he is back. 3 rounds complete. 60 more burpees

Mosey back down to the start. 


  • Frodo drafted Snoopy in the team event and they took home the FKT for the day. At least I think. Everyone was a bit delirious by that point.
  • Great to see Mr Holland out in the gloom, these FKT workouts will get you back quickly
  • Nair is one of the few who knew what was coming and showed up anyway. He is committed and putting in the work, the results are showing
  • Speaking of results – have you worked out with Kosar lately?
  • Shout out to FNG-1 (Pooh), a Davidson East neighbor, who did this as his first weekday 0530 workout and nailed it
  • Frodo, thanks for the chance to Q such a fine AO!