The day Lieutenant Dan saved my life

Event Date

Sep 25, 2019


Also in attendance were Rumspringa and LB.

It was a nice fall morning for Week 4 of the Ironpax Challenge. Most of the challengers faced the challenge like an F3 man and used cinder blocks as coupons. YHC faced the challenge like a… well, like a GoRuck event, and decided to bring a Kettlebell- working smarter not harder. it was all good until I fnishied the workout and realized I brought a 14kg Kb, which is just under 31 pounds, and had to repeat the entire workout again with a cinder block, obviously not quite as quickly. Even still I felt pretty good after finishing the workout and finally realized why. Most of this year I had been calling the Lieutenant Dan when Qing, which is a series of lung and squats starting 10 squats and working down to 1 and starting at 1 lung each leg and working up to 10 lunges each leg. I did this mostly because the Pax complain about it and also because it leaves you with a nice and unexpected feeling in the HAM the next day.  Little did I know that Lieutenant Dan would come back and save me during this workout.

Big fan of this week's challenge, mostly because there was some optionality and also the coupon carry just seems like a very applicable feet of strength. Also, of all of the IPC workouts, this one appears to suit my strengths a bit more.

Most of the guys finished the workout between 36-38 minutes, with a couple not finishing because of time or injury. All pretty well smoked and commenting how difficult the workout was. IPC folks, nice job with these workouts, all challenging in different ways. 


