The Day the Music Died

As Ten gathered, joyful to be 'allowed' to gather, three decided to follow their hearts and hit The Murph-Totebag, Cheez Whiz, and Soul Glo.  The remaining gathered, albeit for only a moment, for an impending beatdown that would serve as the very foundation of the upcoming week.

Warm-Ups: SSH 15, Lap around the church, CDD's 15, Lap, Squats 10, Lap, Sitouts 10, Lap. Merkins. Mozy acrost 115 to MMS.  

The Thang: Dips and Jump Squats- 3 sets each of 10, IC.  Mozy to MMS-3 Sets of 20 R/L calf raises on the curb and 10, 15, 20 declines on the handrail.  Apehanger's epic comment here.  Mozy to back of MMS.

Three Levels-The Top-start with 2 Burpees, add 2 each time your are there-capitalism.  The middle 5 squat (on the way up and down)-stays consistant-socialism.  The Bottom 10 Merkins, drop 2 each trip down-communism.  Work the 'systems' until you get to 10 Burpees and 2 Merkins- get it?

Mozy to wall on far side of MMS.  Iron Chairs w/air presses IC 10 and Balls to the Wall w/complimentary Peter Parkers IC 10.  Mozy back to AO to join the Murphers for…

Mary (IC): W's 15, Hip Raised Air Presses 10, R/L Twist Crunches 10 each, Box Cutters/Cutter Boxes 10 each.  Recover, recover.


-The #PB noted there would be a musical theme to today's Q.  There was not as the Q got involved with some LATE Mother's Day activities, enough said.  BUT, a Q WILL be coming to you, with music as the backbone, in an AO near year in the next fortnight.

-Sorry this one is so late

-Apehanger's comment, mid calf raises/declines, was, "I'm not sure I am allowed to be this close to a school", was fabulous!  Well timed, hilarious, and reminscent of Zack G's comment in The Hangover.

-If you did not enjoy, agree with, or like my simple example of varied types of governments, I implore you to read more de Tocqueville- "The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money."

Thanks for the keys Geppetto;-)

-If the exercise description, Pax members present, or Murpher's inaccurate, it's because this #BB is unexusably 6 days late.