The Deacons Haven’t Voted Us Out Yet

Event Date

Dec 10, 2020

Thursday morning BBBroga was a perfect way to follow Dr Doolittle's 16 days of Christmas that seemed like a tricky cover for a ridiculous leg day.  After having most of the COD Deacons walk through our circle last week while mid cat-cow, there was concern we may be voted out during their meeting.  Fortunately their agenda was too full and they a motion to 'cease and desist' was not made.  YHC needed to focus more on stretching the legs and glutes after that beatdown, a brief departure from our recent commitment to actual yoga.  We started with some arm and shoulder stretching before we got to the legs – at first staying on our feet and then taking it down to the mat.  

  • Scope apparently maintains some old glamour shots of his sister that he keeps in his back pocket any time she threatens him #siblinglove
  • Dr Doolittle received many compliments for his Weds Q and rightfully so #themorethecomplainingthebettertheworkout
  • Finkle has done more by 6:30 than most of us would all day #newbornbaby
  • Shake Weight posted for his second straight week and is considered a regular but does anyone know if he's watched Cobra Kai?  #peerpressure
  • Sonar was the final piece to our circle, we knew he'd make it even if it was a few minutes late #traffic

Thank you gents for being part of the BBBretching.  Namaste, Bertha
