The Deck within the Deck



Dwight S.


Toy Soldier 

That thang:

Pick a card out if the deck in the deck. Exercises based on suit and rep based on number on card or face card value assigned. Jokers = reps x2 on the next card draw.

Hearts= R1- Goblets Squats/R2- Lunges w/KB overhead

Diamonds=R1- Clean & Press (each arm)/R2- 8 count bodybuilders 

Clubs=R1- Curls/R2- Skull Crushers

Spades=R1- Burpees/R2 Mericans 


YHC= Peter Parker

Lawndart= Suzanne Summers

Bob Ross= Touch them Heels

Snake Eyes= Shoulder touch Mericans 

Skin of the mole:

Lots of trigger word being used as I was leading(Gimore and Frontier cough cough). Congrats to Omaha’s new purchase of a Chevy Bolt! Rocket doesn’t miss a beat after traveling this week. Diehard showed but based in his Strava calories burned and HR not sure he actually did anything. Ping commitment and effort is to be admired. The Force tried poking the bear right off the bat.  I let down Amen and I apologies for not including J-Lo during Mary (I hope he find sit in his heart to forgive me). Bob Ross calling one of my fave Mary exercise. Nice to see POS outside the gym! Think Tammy Faye was not happy as no running was involved. Great to Gnarly GOAT show this AM bringing good energy as always.  Also a surprise and privilege seeing Snake Eyes this AM (Some day he will send us a link to his clothing business). Appreciate those who showed this morning and thanks to Hotwax for allowing me to Q today.