THE Denver F3 Friday Fun Run – Maintaining Order

9 men witnessed Skipper maintain order back to the Fun Run after he missed a few weeks and a revolt was forming……

 – Clickbait routinely thanked me for my leadership capabilities

 – Crabby Patty humored us and circled-back every time he got a mile in front of us

 – Dr. Doolittle told me all about what to expect after the first year of cat ownerhip

 – Fabio was very quiet until Vortex showed up

 – Biggy Vs joins us late and then thinks that I’d alter the route so he wouldn’t go further from his house

 – Jeeves heartrate fluctuated between 180 and 200 most of the time

 – ShakeWeight invited everyone to take out a second mortgage at breakfast at Sunrise

 – TL tacked-on another half marathon or so after warming up with us

 – I have spoken



