THE Denver F3 Friday Fun Run – Yes, I am Here

Much to everyone’s delight, I showed up again.  

 – Dandelion showed up in his Transformer truck

 – Doolittle gave us the recap of his long golf trip and vacation.  We are all grateful he is back.

 – We did bump into Vortex who was trying to avoid us

 – Gecko was very bright today wearing dark blue with white Asics labels

 – Rudolph was still saddened by Altra’s recent drop announcement but said this run took his mind off things

 – Strudel is going to start a wave in the crowd at Doolittle’s next tournament

 – Shake Weight tried relentlessly to take over the lead, even though the calendar has been open for months now.

 – TL provided Gecko a solid half-marathon training plan.  We will all be praying for his well-being now.

 – I have spoken

