THE Denver Friday Fun Run

Event Date

Nov 30, 2018


8 PAX had justification to update their wills due to acquired assets after today's fun run….

We did the hilly Cottonwood loop, Trails End and boat ramp and back, 4.8 miles.

 – Dandelion continues to get kudos for his obnoxious bright toboggan. 

 – Blart and Crop set the pace, but were nice enough to circle-back for us slow folk. 

 – Vortex joined us for about 3/4 the distance, then his lady parts acted up  then he had to leave for work.

 – Strudle continues to improve each week.  Every time I turned around to circle-back for the 6 he is closer to me each week.  You are killing it sir, and the results are rolling-in.

 – Mulligan tells the POTUS that after missing him 2 times this week on separate runs that he wanted to make sure that he spent some time with him today. 

 – After several posts, we finally named Blart's buddy who we've been calling "Maverick".  I thought he was already F3 with a name like that.  Anyways, Iceman was put on the table as a name for him but it was quickly trumped with something much better, Vanilla Ice.  Welcome Vanilla Ice.  Blart, as his sponsor, get him on the website and Denver distribution.

 – Blart prayed us out, and some went to do some extra credit push/pull/abs and some went immediately out to make the world a better place.