THE Denver Friday Fun Run – 11/22/19

Event Date

Nov 22, 2019


9 men enjoyed some warmer, fall-like weather….5+ through Covington Estates, Fox Run, Governor's Island….

 – FNG is Jordan, who may have been re-named Rudolph for his MASSIVE Hip belt light

 – Twinkle does his longest run to date, beasted 5 miles! Even though he wore his safety vest inside out, AND upside down.

 – Dandelion continues to make his way back from a detached hamstring (Sounds better than a tear)

 – Cheetah and GW support the peloton and give running tips for us mere mortals

 – Gecko!  Gecko!  Nuff said.

 – Strudel is making this look easy now.  Amazing progress bro.

Enjoyed the 2nd F today brothers…..since Vortex wasn't here to ruin it with his stupid tempos-(face palm)