THE Denver Friday Fun Run

11 men started their weekend early…..

 – FNG 1 is still Clickbait, who needs help getting set up on the website if anyone can do that please

 – I think it "Flo-Jo" that joined us, if not please comment below.  Great to have you sir.  See you next Friday

 – Crabby was out front clearing cobwebs most of the run

 – Dandy misses the Turks more than he misses Big V

 – Dr. D continues to get even better on hills if that is possible

 – Mater still loves me

 – Shakeweight HAS to get 5 miles on Fridays.  Good luck on the Anniversary sir.  Hope our ideas were helpful.

 – TL joins us for 5 of his 10 today

 – Major Private tells us all about his upcoming physical fitness test.  Thanks for your service sir.

 – Boucher is on a war path, signing up for everything from color runs to ultra death races

 – I have spoken