THE Denver Friday Fun Run – A wee bit of Fall

Event Date

Sep 20, 2019


9 Men took in a wee bit of Fall weather….

We did 5+ through Slim Shady, Rabbit Circle and Chapel Creek…..

 – Cheetah had planned on killing Rabbit Circle but then took mercy on whoever has it.  It's actually him.

 – Prayers up to Dandelion's 2.0 to get his mojo back on the cart after his horrific crash last weekend.

 – FNG is KFC, still need to get him hooked up to the website.  He just killed the Ironman up in Atlantic City, and is now 20th in the nation in his age category. 

 – Jeeves didn't wear leggings but there is always next week.

 – Fabio tried constantly to form a break-away group from the peloton but I was too tired I stayed disciplined.

 – Big V say his kidneys and liver are growing back nicely from the BRR.  Took it easy today under doctor's orders.

 – Strudel declined the opportunity to carry me piggy-back up the last hill. 

 – Blart provided PG-13 jokes about bulls and what-nots to keep us amused.