THE Denver Friday Fun Run – Dirty Rabbits

13 men were greeted with a warm humid sticky morning…..

 – Dirt joins Slack, then joins us for the run.  Great to have you sir.  Apparently, Crabby invited him and said that he sandbagged his mile times.  Not a good start to this relationship.

 – GW sneaks into the group once we leave the neighborhood

 – Dandy stopped to spit, snot himself every 1/4 mile

 – Shirley was ashamed to associate himself with so many shirtless men.  No wonder his kids don't run with us.

 – Fabio was visibly distraught when Vortex was a no show and actually acted like he knew me this time. 

 – ShakeWeight thinks Mater is staying in NJ for good

 – Jeeves strolls into the AO in his vintage Rav4 and acts bored the whole run.  I tried to make small talk around flight avianics and plan timeshares.  

 – FNG 1 is Clickbait, who is on Slack now, just not here.  Dr. D is helping him on that front

 – Gecko was the brightest he has EVER been.  Sporting an orange shirt.  Hope the knees continue to feel better sir.

 – Everyone expressed deep remorse to Einhorn that he has not worn his Lulu tights in quite some time

 – Multiple rabbit roadkills along the way

 – I have spoken

