THE Denver Friday Fun Run – Dragon X Sighting at Max Q

7 men watched space history to start their weekend early….

 – 0531, and no sign of the Q that was signed up on the calendar.  Fabio was nowhere to be found.

 – 0532 Vortex confesses that he signed Fabio up without his consent, so we set-off aimlessly and without a leader

 – Somehow, YHC still manages to surprise himself with his raw leadership talent, creating an ad hoc route which brought us past Dandelion's new house, a GECKO sighting, AND a spectacular Dragon X rocket launch over Lake Norman

 – Such trust in me was demonstrated by Vortex who immediately discredits me after I deftly spot the Dragon in the eastern sky.

 – We were able to see Max Q and stage separation as it raced across the sky

 – VERY nerdy space discussion was held on the return trip to the AO.  Terms were thrown around like: space debris, Max Q (Maximum Dynamic Pressure), yaw and pitch to name a few.

 – Shirley relived his now distant memories of becoming an astronaut.

 – GW seemed to enjoy the Dragon X show, before going back to talking about jeep tires and things

 – Einhorn has found peace with his new fake F3 name Horny Elk

 – Mater "heaps" praise upon YHC around his ability to step up and lead in times of adversity

 – I feel sorry for whoever tries to Q next

 – I have spoken