THE Denver Friday Fun Run – Hot Shots, TommyBoy, BeagleBears and other Inappropriate Behavior

Event Date

Oct 23, 2020


6 men met in warmer than normal temps to start the weekend out early….

 – We did the 5+ Webbs Road/Ashley cul de sac route with Trails End finish

 – WHERE IS EVERYONE?  No rain, Decent temps

 – Vortex walks comes in at 0530 in his Chippendale light vest and after several inappropriate, juvenile comments we were off

 – Cheetah and FNG 1, (John) launched into a fierce Kaizen discussion.  I left when they started to discuss doing FMEAs and a 5s Lean analysis on my leadership skills.

 – Apparently, Blart and YHC have both watched the movies Hot Shots and TommyBoy WAY too much

 – Upon passing one house we all hear a deep, growling, lengthy bark.  Blart exclaims, "Is that a bear"?  I explained that it was a hybrid blood hound bear, or a BeagleBear, a storied mythical creature known to inhabit Ashley Cove.

 – Big V tested out his tummy ache but left early for some warm milk, essential oils and chamomile tea so that he didn't overstress it.

 – We tried to name FNG 1 John, a Marine, Father of 4, Expert Spitter, OHIO Buckeye, but after several more inappropriate camel jokes we decided to wait until next week. 

 – Fabio was as quiet as each candidate's muted mic last night and will never chose to try to blind me with his wussy weak headlamp again.  #900LumensIsBrighter