THE Denver Friday Fun Run – Land mines and Leadership

8 of Denver’s finest ran Rudy’s Favorite route….you know….the one when Skipper doesn’t show…yeah, that one

Einhorn suggested that we save the route and call it the skipperless route but you know who run it the most to get the crown. 

Fabio was prodding YHC to find ways to knock off Lisa’s dog. He also recognized how quiet the group was and then deduced it was because Skipper usually does all the talking.

Dandelion woke up to land mines of diarrhea from his dog which made him early this morning to avoid cleaning it.

Major Private only half dressed for the occasion. He ran sleeveless while most of us ran shirtless.

Crabby thinks that Friday Fun Run should take a field trip to Verdict Ridge because there is a perfect 5 mile route.

Clickbait has a different glow about him when Skipper isn’t there. He smiles more.

Rudolph kept everyone together because of his great leadership.

Skipper has not spoken….Dolittle has!
