THE Denver Friday Fun Run – Post Halloween Fun

Event Date

Nov 01, 2019


With the smell of Snickers and M&Ms still weighing heavy in the air, 9 men saddled up to burn some of those calories from "testing" their children's candy for safety purposes the night before…..

We did 5ish on the McConnell hill with some cul de sacs…..

 – Cheetah and FNG (Jordan) were twinning this morning in their matching safety attire. It was also noted that they did balance each other out as a couple: Age, height, vest, etc.

 – Tommy Lee was the most clothed that I've ever seen him

 – Dandy and V went on a bro date took off on a tempo run to enjoy the cooler weather. 

 – Mater put in work, tough hills bro, 2nd fastest 5k, and he said he had fun too!

 – GW claimed that he was going to win the Turkey Trot he was going to, in a fully-feathered costume.

 – Fabio was visibly disturbed that Dandy and V took off w/o him.  Veering off several times into yards, fields, driveways. 

 – Great discussion post-run around who in our group were old enough to be the "culprits" for birthing Millineal offspring.