THE Denver Friday Fun Run – Spring Fever

Warmer temps today welcomed the men who tackled Camino/Covington/Blades and back…

 – Gecko seems to ONLY show whenever Sam doesn't.  Hmmm.

 – Knowing Sam was DR, I led the group ON TIME out of the AO.  Only to be knocked back down to reality at the Top of Little Baby Big Hill by Crabby's white work van screaming around the turn.

 – YHC has had the pleasure of seeing a good deal of Goodwrench lately

 – Rudolph was still visibly pissed about my 2.0 stealing his crowns

 – Neither Shirley nor CropDuster wanted to volunteer to fly me to Dallas anytime soon.

 – CropDuster was sporting a Mardi Gras themed top, which quickly turned X-Rated for some reason

 – Studel is killing it on the runs.  I kept looking down at my watch and seing 8:15 and him way out in front. 

 – I made sure that we hit all of Mater's FAVORITE hills

 – I have spoken