THE Denver Friday Fun Run – Twinkle Little Star

Event Date

Nov 15, 2019


10 men enjoyed 5ish miles all within the comfy cofines of SVU…..

 – TWINKLE made a well-welcomed appearance and then killed the hilly route.  See you next week!

 – Tommy Lee is looking refreshed and ready for his upcoming race.

 – Fabio bragged profusely about how he was going to win the WWI age division the 50-55 age division in Saturday's Mayberry Half.  His son Eric is also running with him, so all the women running should watch out.

 – Cheetah comes in dressed like its 20 degrees and provides great motivation to the back of the pack

 – GW is struggling with what to wear on runs

 – T-Claps to Mater for convincing more Mustangers to the FFR.  You see? We really are friendly.

 – Strudel continues to work off the "island-funk" from his vacation

 – Oh, and someone told me they saw Vortex and Dandy on a run somewhere this morning.