THE Denver Friday Fun Run – Weak Need Not Apply

Event Date

Jan 08, 2021


The 5 manliest runners in Denver showed up to have some fun in the "snow".

 – We stayed local in the hood due the reduced visibility, and man, I remember why we don't stay local often.  Hillz.  That said, we got 250ft elevation gain over 4.8 miles.  I guess that's on par with the norm outside of the hood, but for some reason it just feels worse.

 – Country Livin' celebrated a major work decision by joining us and killed it.

 – Rudolph gave more glove "advice" now that I've already purchased them

 – Fabio caught us up with the latest viewpoints from NewsMax about the "Insurrection" in DC

 – Cheetah talked all things from refis to getting rid of the directional paint marks on the pavement from the 5k a month ago

 – Very little snow, mostly a light rain during the run.