THE Denver Friday Fun Run – Wolf Moons, Code Brown, Yard Sales and GameStop Strategies

Event Date

Jan 29, 2021


10 men took in a beautiful Wolf Moon that was so bright that we almost didn't need headlamps……

 – I get a bit scared whenever I see Cheetah and Shirley running together conversing.  There was talk of hedge fund scandals, GameStop short selling and other things I can't mention on this channel.

 – Fabio ran 8 miles while the rest of us got 5

 – Strudel had to cut the run a bit short due to Code Brown

 – Shirley tried to steal Rudolph's car

 – Crabby Patty had about a inch of ice on his head and back

 – TL and Rudolph talked all things Triathalon

 – Dandelion yard sales on the boat path.  The fall actually took about 3 minutes from start to finish.  I think the sidewalk sustained more damage than Sam, who skillfully managed to come away with everything intact except for his pride.