The Desolation of Smaug

Event Date

Feb 01, 2024

YHC binge-watched the Hobbit series to get pumped for his Q at Dragon Slayer.  4 pax gathered on the quest to defeat the great dragon Smaug.  Here is the epic saga (not so eloquently as JRR Tolkien writes it, but with much more brevity so as not to take up month so reading time).

0530 the pax is fully disclaimed


  • SSH x 10 ic
  • IST x 10 ic
  • Windmill x 10 ic
  • Arm circles 30 seconds front and 30 seconds back

The Journey:  mini-ladder of 10/15/20 reps of an exercise with running the parking lot between each step of the ladder, and then an exercise between each set.  Then a mini-mary for a break and back to repeato.

  • Curls 10 / run / 15 / run / 20 / run / merkins x 10 ic
  • Overhead press 10 / run / 15 / run / 20 / run / merkins x 10 ic
  • Squats 10 / run / 15 / run / 20 / run / merkins x 10 ic
  • Skull crushers 10 / run / 15 / run / 20 / run / 45 second plank
  • Mary:   LBC x 15 ic, Low Flutter x 15 ic, Rosalita x 15 ic, Windmill x 15
  • Curls 10 / run / 15 / run / 20 / run /45 second plank
  • Overhead press 10 / run / 15 / run / 20 / run / 45 second plank
  • Squats 10 / run / 15 / run / 20 / run / 45 second plank
  • Skull crushers 10 / run / 15 / run / 20 / run / merkins x 10 ic
  • Mary:  Homer to Marg to Homer to Marge, Low Flutter x 15 ic, Low Dolly x 15 ic

COT happened

Smaug’s dead carcass moleskin:

  • 3 Pax got out of our vehicles dressed with respect to the 32degree temperature.  Then Smokey came out dressed for a casual June night on a boat on the lake.   But halfway through the first set we were so worked up it felt like 85 and humid for sure.  Turns out he was on to something.
  • T-claps to Smokey who did the first set with a heavy KB
  • T-claps to Ichabod for keeping up with Smokey.  You will come to find out just how impressive that is.  Not too many pax can hang with the Smokester when he gets going.
  • T-claps to Shadow.  Don’t try to tell us this is your first month.  You were hard charging out there.
  • Lastly thank you to the pax for pushing hard on this exercise and letting me lead.
  • As I know the MQ is reading this:   AMPM you will want to do this one. Full body gets smoked and you can let the dogs run in between.
  • What I learned today:  to paraphrase the saying “it ain’t the size of the dog in the fight it’s the size of the fight in the dog”, let me say “it ain’t the size of the pax at the workout, it’s the size of workout in the pax.”  In that I mean, let’s be honest, every Q wants a big showing, at least 10+ pax.  But I’ll tell you that 4 was perfect today.  We got after it.  Just the right amount of encouragement and challenge.  The cool thing about the pax today was mumblechatter was happening even if non-verbal and interpersonal.  I guess it was a shared glorious misery perhaps.  I don’t know.  But at any rate be the pax today, be enough no matter what!