The Deuce aka they have a sack for your (golf) balls

Q's have #weinke's but when the Q decides to live up to his namesake, well…..things like this happen.

0527 about 12 pax are present and YHC mumbles under his breath — damn good thing I perused some backblasts last night and found a doozy for this group.

0528-0529 YHC listens to how one pax saw YHC pushing the struggle buggy yesterday at DragonSlayer and figured he'd post here expecting an easy workout with less than 2miles running.  And overhears a rather disturbing conversation amongst the pax regarding #codebrown's and the lack of extra socks in case needed.

0530 We lose two pax (turns out Omar and Popcorn were Odyssey all along) but gain one pax as Cousin Eddy returns from an extended Standard.

0531 YHC all wrapped up the feels decides to wait for Camelback

Mosey in front of Bonefish for some Warmorama

  • Disclaimer given
  • When did Ramrod get here
  • IST x10ic
  • Windmillx10ic
  • What no SSH?  It is obligatory, but I am Stray so I wanted a little out of the box thinking, but still really close and leaning up against the box… yeah SSH x15ic
  • Merkins x10ic

How that Thang went down

All that talk of #codebrowns and an audacious goal to stay under 2miles.  And a Q who wanted to ensure that Crocs could not incognate him.  I give you The Deuce:   two exercises for two minutes each (oyo amrap) followed by a two minute mosey.

  • Mosey ending up behind WichWich for a convenient port-a-john.  
  • Two minutes of the Squat, two minutes of LBCs
  • Two minute strayish mosey across the bridge toward Newell
  • ***Fly by from Auto and Dingo and dog
  • Two minutes lung walk, two minutes WW2 situps
  • Two minute strayish mosey….really didn't know where we were going to go until Crocs and 9 Lives pointed out a brick wall in the midst of a sprinkler system.  So yeah why not
  • ***Special director's cut edition backblast affords you a sneak peek into the mind of YCH:    notices the wall is a bit too high for derkins, didn't want to do over and backs because of the sprinklers hoping no one notices that i am trying to figure this thing out.   Enter our hero Crocs, stage left, who must have been reading the turmoil in my mind and throws out a "hey that's a good size for incline merkins.  BOOM.
  • Two minutes incline merkins,  two minutes of pigeon each leg (had to reward Crocs)
  • Two minute mosey with intention this time to the movie theater parking lot for a brief standard bootcamp intermission
  • Bear crawl to first island, lunge walk to next island, bear crawl rest of way
  • Crab walk to first island, lunge walk to next island, crab walk rest of way
  • Pax choice potpourie
    • Ramrod – stationary lunge x10 each leg
    • Jimmy Olsen – mason twist???? correct me in the comments
    • Goodlife – had the audacity to call burpees
    • Slingshot – called burpees but then sensed that he was about to get excommunicated (or since YHC watched John Wick the night before "excommunicato").  Yeah I really can't remember what he ended up calling — YHC may not have given him a chance
    • 9 Lives – people's chair 2 minutes
    • Carpetbagger – pillow talk 
    • Jedi – YHC really thought he would call the water drinking rooster thingy but he didn't, instead he called quarter turn jump squats
    • I think that was it.  At this point YHC was just sizing up the pax individually and looking to avoid the burpee types
  • Let's mosey back to the launch point and reward Crocs again with some pigeon


  • Prayers up for Crocs' father
  • Praise for Carpetbagger's recovery

This is what you put in the Moleskin section:

  • Fascinating fact:  the port-a-john has a name, can't recall what it was (sound off in comments).  But apparently Rodeo put a hurting on it and those pax on the cusp of a code brown were to afeared to test it out
  • Speaking of Rodeo, credit him for the underscore to the work out title.   While moseying back to the launch point, Rodeo wanted to discuss a sack for your balls — presumably golf balls but my spidy senses told me this was a don't ask don't tell type of thing
  • Talking Heads got what he wanted.  YHC delivered him adequately but not totally beat down and safely landing at coffeeteria with 1.9 miles of total movement.
  • Pigeon is a great stretch, we all agree on that.  Even Cousin Eddy gave his PT seal of approval.  But ye be warned…. when you swing that leg through be sure that the berries do not get bisected by a seem in the breezy fo sheezy briefs.
  • Someone must have preblasted a coffeeteria convergence as we were joined by Odyssey, 4 Banger, and the General
  • Yeah so I forgot name-o-rama.  What… like you didn't know everyone there.
  • Many thanks to Cousin Eddie for capturing the pax list to ensure YHC saves face and isn't relegated to remedial Q-school (again).
  • Dear Ramrod, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to Q this morning.  Your trusting of me to lead these men, while questionable, was indeed bold and a sign of true leadership greatness.  I know I speak for the pax when I say "meh" (which is humble speak for "thank you")