The Devil Frog

Event Date

May 28, 2019



Some say failure is not an option, but at the Devil Frog failure is the only option. For failure is not the end if we have the strength and courage to continue despite our failures. Failure is the stepping-stone to our success.

Six PAX Hopped to the challenge of the Nine Levels of Froggy Hell at the #Viking. Thankfully, no one Croaked. Here is their story.


SSHx25, Windmillx10, ISTx10, Moroccan nightclub x50, ‘Mericansx10, Carrot Pullerx10

Froggy Hell (All exercises in progression until failure) – Completed three rounds

Level 1 – Limbo                     ‘Mericans – Plank when waiting

Level 2 – Lust                         Lung with 12lb Medicine Ball

Level 3 – Gluttony                Curls with 25lb Dumbbells

Level 4 – Avarice / Greed    Upright Rows – 25lb Kettlebell

Level 5 – Wrath                     Chest Press – 45lb Dumbbell

Level 6 – Violence                 Skull Crusher – 25lb Kettlebell

Level 7 – Heresy                    Lawn mower – 35lb Kettlebell

Level 8 – Fraud                      Overhead Press – 45lb Dumbell

Level 9 – Treachery               Barbarian Squats – with Mace

Pre-Limbo – Sprint the length of Froggy Hell with 10 Carolina Dry-docks on one side and 3 Burpees on the other until a spot opens up in limbo (3 rounds working down from 3 repetitions to 1)


Pretzel Crunchx12 each side, Low FLutterx12, Rosalettax12, WWII Sit ups x 10

Recover Recover

Announcements and Other Stuff

Thank you to Fescue for allowing me to Q. Thank you to all the PAX and the support you provide.