The Diceman

Event Date

Aug 07, 2018

Seven men came out on a humid August morning armed with salacious Mother Goose Nursery rhymes and intent on learning more about The Diceman. We were, as they say, rollin’….


Dyno-ramic stretching platter

The Thang

The Diceman

Each die has six sides. Do one set of cardio first (various, see below) then roll two dice. Do two of the following exercises based on the numbers that came up on the dice that were rolled

  1. = Mercans x 20 reps

  2. = Curb Dips x 20 reps

  3. = Freddie Mercury x 20 reps

  4. = Burpees x 10 reps

  5. = Squats x 20 reps

  6. = Alternating Lunges x 20 reps

Rolling a pair of the same number gets you an extra roll.  The cardio set at the beginning before the dice rolls included 1) side straddle hops x 50; 2) jump rope (sans rope) x 50; 3) alternating steps on curb x 50; 4) suicides; and 5) shuttle run along parking lines.

I think we rolled the dice 15 freaking times. Q did two rolls to start off (I think) to get the party started, then we went around the circle twice.


  • Happy to report that 911 has been upgraded to regular. Just goes to show how beneficial a high fiber diet can be

  • Overheard at the gender reveal party, also known as the delivery room. “Would you look at the set of balls on that one! This one comes with external plumbing!” Proud papa indeed.

  • There is no freedom quite like the “to go cup” freedom. Would recommend it be added to the Bill of Rights, but I could also see some potential problems developing from these new found freedoms

  • This may come as a surprise to no one, but smoking weed has not been shown to be an effective form of contraception in males

  • The definition of motility is the ability of an organism or fluid to move. Sperm motility refers to the movement and swimming of sperm. Poor sperm motility means that the sperm do not swim properly, which can lead to male infertility. Poor sperm motility is also known as asthenozoospermia.

  • It appeared that lunges showed up more often that the dice probabilities would have indicated, and burpees showed up less often to everyone’s collective disappointment

  • We were supposed to take a 2 minute break about half way thru. That is for half sissies, not this crew, so we pressed on

  • Q did take a brief respite during squats to regale the Pax with Diceman nursery rhymes. Just the relatively clean ones though

  • Its really all the same exercises, just a different delivery mechanism

  • Next time we are breaking out the 20 sided dungeons and dragons die. Double Damage

  • I kinda like the lack of counting along together today (as the Q) although may have overshot on a few of them

  • It's both an honor and a priviledge, mitches!