The Diddy

9 ventured into the Thunderdome this morning. Some came knowing what they were in for. Some didn't. Which was worse? You'll have to ask them.

Warm Up

THE DIDDY Named for James "PDiddy" Combs, whose pullup and burpee laden workouts are notorious in Davidson. Consideration was given for naming the workout The Outlaw, but that guy just likes to run now.

Partner Up for 10 sets of:

10 pullups (1 minute to complete)

20 burpees (2 minutes to complete)

Goal: Focus on helping your partner complete the workout

The Diddy, being a short routine, also allowed us extra time for a commiserating mosey afterward to circle up for some Mary:

Pretzel crunch each leg 15x IC

Low flutter 20x IC

Dying cockroach 10x IC

Hold Superman for 70 seconds


YHC partnered with both PDiddy and Two Buck Chuck, both of whom crushed the workout with time to spare. Honored to have the man whom the routine is named after join us this morning. Serious RESPECT, PDiddy. 50 years old and had 100 pullups and 200 burpees in the bag by a shade after 6am. 

Ramrod and Jedi partnered up. True teammates, they clung together in the woods. Like Robin and his band of merry men they were, thick as thieves. You guys stuck together and pushed each other, nice job.

Red October and Blackberry- The Bash Brothers, the Mighty Ducks version not the Oakland A's version, although interestingly enough all versions sport a member with exceptional hair- seemed extra enthusiastic about the workout this morning. Blackberry was so enthused he continued to quietly thank YHC throughout the workout. Red October was so enthused he couldn't keep his excitement to himself and had to share some merlot with the rest of the group. YHC started to politely say he was sorry, but Red O quickly responded with a "No you're not" before immediately proceeding to continue the workout (!) It was at this point that YHC realized there had been no disclaimer given (!!) Not wanting Blackberry to be held accountable for such shenanigans, the disclaimer was given. 

Last but not least, Kosar and The Count. You have all seen Sesame Street. The Count played the role of… you guessed it, The Count. All the way to 10, then 20. Many times. He is a good counter that Count. Kosar played the role of the little bat that flits around the Count. He flew through the exercises and was the first to finish. Not only that, he then went back to help the Count finish counting. His energy was so inspiring the rest of the Pax joined in helping the Count finish.

A few Tclaps need to be handed out at this point.

– To Red October and The Count for being the tallest guys there doing a short mans workout

– To Kosar for manhandling the workout, even stopping to rip his shirt off midway and flex for the crowd. Scrappy may have finally found his match. Can't wait to get that pair together

Way to ETS today boys. Proud to have been out there with you. Until we meet again. Same bat time, same bat channel