The Diddy returns

Event Date

Nov 30, 2020

2 Pax for the standard + the workout = solid work DH and Cherry Bomb

The Diddy hasn't been seen around these parts for years.. until today. The rain couldn't keep 6 Pax away from facing the challenge this morning. T-claps to Amen for coming over mid workout from the Murph once it shut down. He was expecting cover, but found none. At least the lightning was gone.

The Thang

The Diddy consists of a 1 mile run, followed by 10 sets of 10 pullups + 20 burpees, followed by another 1 mile run. It was named after PDiddy in Davidson who is a pullup and burpee machine.

If you run each mile at a 7:30 pace (15 minutes total), complete each set up of 10 pullups within 1 minute (10 minutes total), and do each set of 20 burpees within 2 minutes (20 minutes total), you will complete the workout in the allotted 45 minutes.

Since the Q forgot his watch (again), we improvised and made the running part of each set. Each set consisted of a 1/4 mile run, 10 pullups and 20 burpees. We briefly improvised again when we saw one flash of lighting and did two sets under cover, substituting WW1 situps for pullups.

Some ran 2.25 miles, some ran as much as possible in the allotted time.

Some did 200 burpees, some did as many as possible in the allotted time.

Some did 80 pullups, some did as many as possible in the alloted time. Others did extra credit.

All did 40 WW1 situps.

And all lived to tell the tale of the time they did TheDiddy in the pouring rain. 


  • Praying for Dallas and his family as his mother just passed away from a brain aneurysm
  • Qbert acknowledged what we've known for some time – he shows up for the guys, not the workout
  • Enron kept pace today, strong showing for a newbie. Keep showing up and you will see major improvement
  • Come to the Christmas party- there will be plenty of space indoors + heated outdoor space and firepit. Bring a mask. Get free food, listen to good music, support a local business and workers that need support, and help use raise funds for Operation Sweet Tooth, which gives to children and families in need in our local community