The Door(s)-a

Warm up (all in cadence):

  • Because I like to conduct a GrowRuck-friendly beatdown, one lap around the Harris Teeter parking lot & circle up

  • SSH’s x 25

  • Slow windmill x 10

  • Imperial Storm Trooper x 15

  • Stretch down the middle, left leg runner’s stretch, right leg runner’s stretch

  • Plank, left leg up & come on through for pigeon stretch

  • Plank, right leg up & come on through for pigeon stretch

  • 5 WW2 sit-ups, 5 merkins

  • 10 WW2 sit-ups, 10 merkins

  • 15 WW2 sit-ups, 15 merkins

The Thang:


Pick a Partner for DORA (upbeat, motivating Doors music in the background)

  • Cycle 1: 150 V-ups (Partner A bear crawls to the parking triangle and back, Partner B does the exercise, when partner A gets back, they switch)


  • 5 WW2 sit-ups, 5 merkins

  • 10 WW2 sit-ups, 10 merkins

  • 15 WW2 sit-ups, 15 merkins


  • Cycle 2: 200 hand-release merkins (partner A runs to the end of the parking lot and back, then switch)

  • Tabata Time (8 sets of 20 second exercise, 10 second rest):

    • Cycle 1: Peter Parker x 4, LBC x 4

    • Cycle 2: Parker Peter x 4, Mason Twist x 4


  • < > which included:

    Low Flutter Ladder:

    • 20 in cadence, up to Marge, 5 count down to homer

    • 15 in cadence, up to Marge, 5 count down to homer

    • 10 in cadence, up to Marge, 5 count down to homer

    • 5 in cadence, up to Marge, 5 count down to homer

  • 1 minute plank






Naked Man Moleskin:

  • FNG-1 is Larry, FNG-2 Moe – please get signed up on the website!

  • New Clown Car: Larry, Curly & Moe.I thought they were kidding but they were not.

  • Outlaw had just returned from Spring Break, he was tanned and rested.

  • Gnarly Goat acknowledged he completely planned to phone in this workout – he’s tapering for this weekend’s GrowRuck.

  • Thug is getting stronger every week.He’s handsome, strong and full of integrity.

  • Omega, as always, killed.

  • Respect to Outlaw and Oyster.

  • This Friday is the 5th Edition of the Quarter Ruck (see preblast):

  • If you are not participating in the Quarter Ruck, join the PAX for the Saturday convergence at North Meck Park to help finish the event.

  • Thanks to Outlaw for the opportunity to lead these men in my virgin Paininsula Q

  • Many thanks to Mini Me for EH’ing me 4+ years ago at a Mt. Zion “Journey” men’s breakfast.He is such a dreamy guy and I’m so darn glad he brought me to this group of men.If you feel the same – either that mini me is dreamy or – that you are thankful for the brother who EH’d you, spread the work.Someone out there is praying for this and they won’t know unless you tell them.Someday YOU might be dreamy.