The Dragon Slayer Trio

Event Date

Dec 27, 2018

Disclaimer provided. The 2 PAX in attendance are both fit individuals and have been in F3 much longer than me, but it’s a habit worth keeping up and it can’t hurt getting in the practice.



  • SSH x20
  • Windmill x8
  • Cherry Pickers x10
  • Imperial Storm Trooperx10


The Thang

  • Crowd Pleasers
    • This is a merkin-groiner ladder. Do 1 of each, then 2 of each, then 3 up to 5, then back down to 1.
    • Gypsy pointed out that colloquially this is called the Bam Bam, named in honor of the Dragon Slayer’s previous MQ.


Kettlebell Exercises

  • Goblet Squat – 10 IC
  • Right side Lawnmower Pulls – 10 IC
  • Chest Squeeze (squeeze the bell in between your palms, you’re not gripping it or holding the handle, with arms extended but not locked. We raise and hold, then lower and hold, on the Q’s “up” or “down”. The ups were about 10 seconds, the downs were about 5 seconds)  
  • Stack the Shelf (right side) – 10 IC
  • Skull Crusher – 10 IC
  • Full Curl (was to be a right arm curl, but the PAX had bells weighing both 10# and 20# more than YHC, so we full curled instead – 10 IC
  • The Hodor – 10 IC
    • These run on a 6 count.  
    • [starting position] Hold the bell out in front of you  
    • [On 1] squat down with the bell still out front
    • [On 2] stand back up
    • [On 3} bells over the head like you’re setting up for skull crushers
    • [On 4] squat down with the bell up over your head
    • [On 5] stand back up
    • [On 6] Return the bell to the starting position
  • Full Curl (was to be a left arm curl, but see above) – 10 IC
  • KB swing – 10 OYO
  • Stack the Shelf (left side) – 10 IC
  • KB lunge – 10 IC
  • Left side Lawnmower Pulls – 10 IC
  • Sit-ups with bell – 10 IC
  • Monkey Humper (no bell but imagine how that would be holding it behind your head… yikes. maybe next time) – 10 IC

Mosey around the parking lot a little. Gypsy also took a moment to show Uncle Rico and I where the spare kettlebells are now stored (they were moved because GCC is expanding the building and the rear side is a construction zone for the time being.

Return to the bells and REPEAT all of The Thang (except for the Mosey)



  • Elbow Plank for maybe 30 seconds, if that



We had a couple moments of chit chat during the workout which qualified for breaks and also some 2nd F. Gypsy also took us out in a prayer. The PAX also continued the 2nd F discussion a bit further after the workout and discussed the challenges of marriage, which I think we all agreed is one of the hardest, if not THE hardest challenges a person can face in life. YHC certainly believes that.  


Age stats for nerds

  • Mean: 44 (average of the recorded ages)
  • Median: 43 (age in the middle of those recorded)
  • Mode: 43 (age that occurred the most)
  • Max: 46 (highest age)
  • Min: 43 (lowest age)
  • Standard Deviation: 1.73205 (square root of the average “distance” each age had from the mean)