The Early Matinee – Recap

From the category of better late than never – RIGHT BLACKBEARD – here is what went down (or as close as I can remember 2 days later) on Wednesday at Hollywood.

The cars kept rolling in – a great mix of newer faces along with some LKN OGs.


Joggy Jog over to the lot across from Dick's and circle up.  First exercise – 10 Single Count SSH followed by a burpee x 5 = 50 SSH and 5 Burpees.  Uncle Rico sugested that the burpee count go up each round – good idea, but not today.  The rest of the warm up consisted of all your favorites – IST, Toy Soldier, Slow Squats, Windmill (with the customary shriek from Goat).


Mosey to the theater and find a spot on the wall for People's Chair:  

First Round Air Press x 20 IC – then a Count Down from 13 by Hasselhoff to help him count down the days until his retirement.

Second Round Seal Claps x 20 IC – repeat Retirement Countdown

Bear Crawl across lot mosey back – repeato.

Head to the Parking Deck Ramp and find a partner:

Partner A – Up the ramp and perfrom 10 Jump Squats – head back down

Partner B – AMRAP

Flip Flop Repeato – each Partner made 6 trips up the ramp, 2 x mericans, 2 x Squats (yes – still do jump squats at the top) 2 x LBCs

Gather at the bottom of the ramp – take a lap up the ramp, run through the parking lot and down the steps.  3 total laps – first PAX back finished starts a little mibility moment.

Mosey back to the lot near the theater – find your partner.  One partner runs clockwise, One partner runs counter-clockwise: when you meet up drop and do 20 partner mericans.  After the mericans – continue running the way you were going.  Next partner meet up – 20 partner mericans, Next meet up – 10 partner mericans, Last meet up – 10 partner mericans.

Mosey back towards the lauch pad – stop at the front of Dick's for a set of Praying Mantis.  

Run to the launch pad.

MARY – some of your favorites, I'm sure.


– Great group – and leading you fine men always ges my blood pumping.  

– Good coffeteria post workout.  Got some insight into Jedi's new venture – coaching, speaking, retreats – all to help people become the best versions of themselves.  Not a better man to help that get done.  
