The EMIMIMMAM Challenge – Week 3 with Special Guest JRAD

12 men knew what was in store for the workout and showed up anyway. FNG 1 is A Fish Called Wanda (Logan). Today was the 3rd week of the EMIMIMMAM Challenge – Every Monday In May Is Murph Monday At Mustang.  You know the drill:

  • Run 1 mile
  • 100 pull ups, 200 merkins, 300 squats (20 1m 15s sets of 5/10/15)
  • Run 1 mile

Reflection: Matthew 28 v 19-20.  It was Homecoming at Unity Presbyterian yesterday and as full as I've seen the church in over 2 years.  We had a meal following the service and it was great to catch up with my fellow church members.  During the pandemic, we all served as disciples in some way, shape or form and it was great to gather and celebrate together.  

19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.


  • The timer was on, however most of the PAX had started by the time YHC got to the pull up bars and finished well before the 20th set – keep up the great work gents!
  • The bonus was when the timer started my Relisten app kicked in and Joe Russo's Almost Dead was playing.  We heard Jam > Scarlet Begonias > Jack Straw before the rain came and YHC went into phone protection mode.
  • Note we will have a convergence on Memorial Day (Monday May 30) at 7am at the Rescue Squad Park with coffee brought to you by Dry Pond Volleyball Academy.

Pleasure to lead.  Namaste, Bertha

