The EMIMIMMAM Challenge – Week 4

9 men rolled out of bed early and they knew what they were getting up for.  Today was the 4th week of the EMIMIMMAM Challenge – Every Monday In May Is Murph Monday At Mustang.  FNG1 is Ezra who was EH'd by Dr D, he'll get named on Wednesday.  You know The Thang:

  • Run 1 mile
  • 100 pull ups, 200 merkins, 300 squats (20 1m 15s sets of 5/10/15)
  • Run 1 mile

Reflection:   James 1:2-4 – Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perserverance.  Let perserverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking in anything.


  • A shirtless rivalry was born between our veterinary PAX Doc Swayze and Dr Dolittle, Crabby Patty mentioned something about 'marking territory was next'.  Looking forward to next week.
  • A discussion topic brought to you by some curious minds:  If one of the PAX transitions, is he/she grandfathered in…..or grandmothered as a member of the PAX.  *facepalm*
  • Challenge thrown down again for every member of the PAX to grab a Q next month.  Clark sweetened the deal by adding, somebody take Wednesday at Mustang or it will be another Murph.
  • Next Monday will be week 5 of the EMIMIMMAM Challenge – we will converge at the Rescue Squad Park at 7 AM.  Coffeeteria will be brought to you by Dry Pond Volleyball Academy immediately following the workout.

Pleasure to lead.  Namaste, Bertha