The End of an Era

Event Date

Aug 02, 2018


The Finale of Fission at the 131?  That just happened!  Who know that was happening?  Not me.  Did you?  No?  Whah???  This was of monumental importance.  Almost as important as this being Hippie's 6-year anniversay!  And many, many Pax missed it.  Why?  Who can say?  But those few who posted, well, you gentlemen are part of a rare breed, indeed.  T-Claps to you and to Hippie, who has become nothing shy of a pillar of F3 LKN. 

Whomever (yes, I said WHOMever, because that's  proper English, dummy) EH'd Hippie, must have been one hell of a guy.  But I digress.  We had us an ol' fashion work-out this morning and we did some stuff.  Including:  visiting the Oakhurst Neighborhooh parking lot where so many Fission and Gladiator Workouts used to begin.  Who was there when we had the Cornelius PD called on us?  Mountie was- and he tried to pull the old "I'm a cop, your'e a cop" deal, but they weren't having it that day.  We got off with a "keep it down to a low roar" warning.  Thanks Mountie, whever you are. 

Oh yeah, back to today:

Little Mosey

20 SSH

Little mosey

100 SSH



Slow Squat




Little mosey for C to C:

Partner 'Mericans @ 20, swap


Partner sit up @ 25, swap

little mosey

Al Gore

litttle mosey

Scorpion Dry Docks

little mosey

1/4 turn jump squat

little mosey

repeat partner sit-ups

little mosey

American push-up

little mosey

lunge walk

mosey to the park green

Wheelbarrow 1/2 way, swap and finish

Mosey to Mountie's Hill

Quadra-feel-ya up, 5 burpees atop, forward down, 10 LBC at the bottom…


Mosey on home.

Picture and selfie with TITAN… What a lot of memories we have made at that AO.  Time marches on and we'll start anew at JV Washam next week.

Though I didn't know this was the last Fission at 131, I'm sure glad I was able to be part of it.

Stay well, gents.  And thanks for posting!